Saturday, March 26, 2011

On my way to Moab!

Here we go again, another photography workshop. This time we are going
to Moab, Utah. It is supposed to be beautiful. I'm not a landscape
photographer, but I'm hoping to get some good photos. Last workshop I
worked my ass off, this time I made a promise to myself to pick up my
camera and take some images for me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for
a good group of people. I'm happy I will have cell service so I can
call home every now and then, the Grand Cayman workshop got very
lonely (sometimes I am so pathetic). As Liz used to say "there is
therapy for that".

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sunday with Cam

Sunday with Cam


Movie Night

Atlantic Avenue, Delray

Blue Cruizer
I took what Cameron calls "the car" (the Hasselblad) to Delray Sunday. We had a great time, but I always do when I'm with my daughter. We saw lots of older women with horrible plastic surgery, duck lips, thin skin, ridiculous cheek bones and expressionless.  I didn't take any photos of them, maybe one day I will have the guts to stick the camera in their distorted faces. For now I think that would be kind of rude.

I get so frustrated every time I take the Hasselblad out to shoot. The camera is not second nature yet, so I have to think when I shoot. I hate being stuck to one focal length, but I'm not ready to carry around a heavy zoom yet. I miss so many shots. Each time I say I'm not taking it out to shoot anymore, then I process the images and am blown away by the quality. More photos after the jump...