Thursday, July 28, 2011

Colorado 2011 Part 1

I made my journey to Colorado for our yearly Sister, Niece, Aunt, Daughter, Mother reunion. Had the greatest time as always. My sister has been getting on my case to post some of the images, so here they are. I broke them up into a few groups. This first group are just some scenics. When I spend time with the family I try to focus more on them than my photography, so I would call these glorified snapshots.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sedona Hasselblad Workshop Day Three PM

A different view of Cathedral Rock one of the main attractions in Sedona. This was my least favorite shoot even though everyones panoramic shots turned out fantastic, the location tough. We were on top of a hill, very little shade (110ยบ F), not much around to explore while waiting for the sun to set. It was pretty cool watching the shadow creep across the land. After shooting we did get a gourmet meal at Burger King. I love how they announce your order over the loud speaker. So classy. The American experience on steroids!
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Sedona Hasselblad Workshop Day Three AM

Wednesday AM we went to West End off Oak Creek Canyon Road. A beautiful location, very diverse,  plenty to shoot. While all the attendees were shooting I did some exploring. I had fun hiking through the river by myself listening to the raven's echos off the canyon walls. So beautiful and peaceful!
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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sedona Hasselblad Workshop Day Two

We started the day at Airport Road. Perfect place for panoramas. A beautiful view. I did feel bad however for the woman who was peacefully sitting on the vortex beating her drum, deep in thought until our group of photographers with their cameras and tripods invaded her space. Hopefully she found another vortex to watch the world from.

Our afternoon location was Cathedral Rock. The first location was just a short walk on some rocks across across the river. I wasn't crazy about this view. The second location was much better. The perfect place for the cliche, I mean iconic shot of Cathedral Rock. A local photographer guided us along a trail to show us the way. He pointed out the Poison Ivy that ran along the trail. I have never seen so much poison ivy in my life. Leaves of three let them be!

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sedona Hasselblad Workshop Day One

Peter giving his first day spiel.

A closer version of Peter giving his day one spiel about
how to set up the Hassy with the Gigapan (a big hit this workshop).

View from the Ranger Station, the day one AM location.
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