Saturday, February 26, 2011

Florida Renaissance Festival 2011


Jaunty Dragon

I'm still forcing myself to get comfortable with the Hasselblad. Last weekend I took it to the Renaissance Festival. I didn't take very many photos, was too busy yapping with Jim, lot of catching up to do. I completely screwed up the camera settings, but got a few happy accidents. Now I know to double check and make sure Peter hasn't set the camera up with some funky settings. We had a great time. Cameron looked so cute in her costume that she sewed herself by hand. Charlie was happy he didn't have to go, he spent the day in the big red chair watching the Daytona 500. Cam had a fried Twinkie. I asked her how it tasted, she said "fried".  More photos after the jump... 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Playing with the Hasselblad in Port St. Lucie

Mom and Pop

More from the Caymans

Just a few more from the Caymans. I didn't have much time to shoot for myself, bummer. I saw a lot of interesting stuff riding in the van from the hotel to the dive sites, but wasn't able to stop. Here is a link to all the snap shots from the workshop . Six more weeks to the Moab, Utah workshop, can't wait! I just wish my hot husband could come with me. The workshops are fun, but I get so lonely without someone to share and gossip with.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Back from Grand Cayman

I'm feeling a bit like Cinderella, clock strikes 12, snap back to reality. Luckily I found my prince charming 20 years ago, so I didn't have to leave any shoes behind.

I had such a good time during our Grand Cayman underwater workshop. Wonderful people, great weather, beautiful surroundings. Only bummer, it went by way to quick.

I got to meet and get to know a group of very interesting and talented people.

I never did get certified before I left for the Caymans. I never could get past the idea of squeezing into a wetsuit in front of a group of strangers. Pretty pathetic, I know. After seeing how much fun everyone had and the great images they captured, I will definitely be certified and ready to go for next time. So it's back to 40 laps a day for me. Time to buck up, get in shape and shed this fat suit I've imprisoned myself in.

As sad as I was for the workshop to end I am soooo happy to be back home. There is nothing like big hugs and kisses from my daughter and husband! To top it all off I was greeted by my neighbors with tequila shots and martinis, Life is good!